Beilinson Hospital

Terror attack victim, West bank 
Wife of Terror Victim: 'Exactly What He Feared Happened'

Ella, the widow of Gideon Peri, who was tragically murdered in a terrorist attack in an industrial zone in Samaria last week, spoke about her husband's character and his constant concerns.

Eliana Fleming | 28.08.24

Terror ramming attack, IDF response

Ramming terror attack near Ariel: Terrorist neutralized by soldiers

A Palestinian vehicle accelerated and attempted to run over soldiers while driving against traffic at the Ariel junction. The soldiers responded with gunfire, hitting the attacker inside the vehicle, who was killed. Israel is on its 324th day of conflict.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 25.08.24

Kedumim terror attack, victim identity released

Released for Publication: Gideon Perry is the Victim of the Terror Attack in Samaria

It has been released for publication that the victim of the attack in Kedumim was Gideon Perry, may his memory be a blessing. Perry, who was critically injured when a terrorist attacked him with a hammer, later died from his wounds at Beilinson Hospital.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 18.08.24

Terror attack, Victim confirmed, Samaria

Death confirmed of victim in Samaria terror attack

At Beilinson Hospital, it was announced that they were forced to pronounce the death of the citizen who was critically injured in the attack in Kadumim, after a terrorist assaulted him with a hammer. Hours after the attack in Samaria, the death of the citizen who was critically injured was confirmed.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 18.08.24

Brain-eating Amoeba, Ministry of Health

Brain eating ameoba suspected: 10-year-old fighting for life

Just weeks after a tragic fatality, another case of the rare but deadly "brain-eating amoeba" has been suspected, this time affecting a 10-year-old child in northern Israel.

Gila Isaacson | 24.07.24

Crime, attempted assassination, Petach Tikva

Car explosion injures 2 in Petah Tikva

Police are investigating the incident as a possible assassination attempt which left the car engulfed in flames and two young men injured.

Eliana Fleming | 18.07.24


Update: Young Israeli man dies after contracting 'brain-eating amoeba'

He was hospitalized with severe symptoms and later diagnosed with 'brain eating amoeba.'

Gila Isaacson | 07.07.24

Health, West Nile Virus

2 dead as West Nile Virus continues to spread

The fever has now proven fatal with cases rising and a sharp increase in infections since last year, i24 reports. 

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 24.06.24

West Nile Fever, Health

Deadly Outbreak: Two women in their 80s suspected to have died from West Nile Virus

Doctors suspect West Nile Fever was the cause of the deaths of two elderly women. 

Gila Isaacson | 23.06.24


Stabbing victim from Gan Yavneh attack in life-threatening danger

Beilinson Hospital reported that the stabbing victim sent to them for treatment is still being ventilated and is not out of danger.

Eliyahu Luksenberg, JFeed Staff | 01.04.24

Eitan Saved Three More People

Netanel Eitan Saved Three More People After his Death

Lieutenant Netanel Eitan, a 22-year-old cadet from Jerusalem, died of his wounds after being seriously injured in a military operation in Gaza. Eitan had signed on an Edi card and after his death his organs were transplanted to three different people.

JFeed Staff | 13.12.23

"I Strengthen the Security Forces"

Herzog: I strengthen the security forces in anti-terrorist activities

The President of the country, Isaac Herzog, sent speedy recovery wishes to the wounded in the incident in Tulkarm, where five soldiers were injured. From Beilinson Hospital, it was reported that there is a danger to the life of one of the soldiers

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 05.10.23

Terrorist Attack on Route 55

Report: Terrorist stone attack on Route 55, a man was slightly injured

A 51-year-old man was slightly injured after being hit by stones on Route 55. He was taken to Beilinson Hospital with a head injury

JFeed | 22.08.23